Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Don't you have people?
I need to take him to auditions!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A lesson on life
Then 9/11 was brought up by the kids that were intently listening. I got the opportunity to explain those events to them, feeling like an old timer remembering Pearl Harbor. I explained the roles of the Firefighters, EMS, Police and military. I explained that it was important to take care of others. I also explained the fact of that day feeling like the end of the world.
They all responded differently. Hailey sad she was sad, Moses talked about how he would rescue the world, Elijah contently laughed at the mess of vegetables and chicken smeared on the high chair, and Andrew said, "I'm not gonna be a fireman, cop, or solider. I don't wanna die. That's why I am gonna be a computer programmer!" Haha! Where does that come from in a 7 year old?
On to news of the Mustang- We had the "points " fixed yesterday and got it running again. Today we had a stereo system put in, although I liked the nostalgia of the original radio. We also had the windows tinted w/ a Mustang and Ford symbol applied to the limo tint on the back window. Now we are on to the body work and paint. John has pretty much finished the interior. Too bad we can't get it in Hot August Nights this year! I thought the tint and system was silly, but was actually thrilled with the results! When I can find the charger for the camera I'll take some pictures, until then I'm stuck with car restoration. Or until he gets me my own classic car.... wink wink!
I know I have been missing
I have a HUGE cold sore for the first time in my life which is driving me batty. My lip was so swollen this morning I couldn't pronounce anything that began with the letter "M". I feel bad for people that have these on a regular basis.
I also spoke with Zales today and should receive my ring tomorrow. It's about darn time. Anyhow look for upcoming pictures.
I am off to do dishes. Talk about a fun time! :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Never a dull moment
Holly initiated her right turn signal to turn onto Highway 92 from Fry Blvd. and I could see an inconsistency in the middle of the road. Cars were pulled off onto the side of the highway, panicked witnesses became sudo traffic control. A woman down on the pavement, lifeless in her pink jogging suit. For a brief second I assessed the situation, noticing small detail. In the chaos I pondered helping, allowing my passion of EMS to flow free once again. My heart and soul aching to help, wishing the adrenaline to run once again through my veins.
However, the woman was being hovered by the first wittiness's that had stumbled upon the scene. They bore blue gloves which assured me they were first responders in some sense. Another woman directed traffic in a military mannerism. We drove off as the lights of the police approached us.
Inside of the restaurant we both quietly thought of the accident. Perhaps it was a mother crossing the street, on her way shopping. We continued the small talk, amongst the young soldiers out partying away the four day weekend. Laughing as we noticed our age in comparison of the "kids" in the room.
As we were leaving we stopped to smoke a cigarette, admiring the flashing lights of emergency vehicles in the intersection. I told Holly more stories of my EMS days which now feel like my youth. In the air we heard a sound like a generator. Listening closer we realized it was the rotor and blades of a helicopter. A sobering sound knowing at this point the seriousness of the call. We watched in silence as the chopper ascended from the intersection that we had just been in minutes ago. Once again I ached to go back to school, and become a member of the EMS club again.
Some people should be slapped.
I at that point decided I was going to go home and write one heck of a letter to Walgreens head quarters. There was NO reason to treat another person like that, let-a-lone a customer. I of course forgot to catch her name. I wish I was standing in that line. I would of said something to that lady.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hailey and her words of wisdom
Hailey loves school, always has. She is incredibly smart and takes things in like a sponge. On Thursday she came home from school with a little paper puppet. It was of President Lincoln on a popsicle stick. She was very proud of her puppet and showed it to everyone.
Later in the evening she came to us and says, "Did you know someone was shot?!" We were confused because she was so concerned over this. John then figures out she is talking about Lincoln! He says to her, "Oh! Its okay Hailey! He died like 200 years ago!" Hailey then replies, "Oh. I miss him!" in a terribly dramatic voice. I had a hard time controlling my laughter!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Mr. Claw and Shell-y

John went out today cane in hand, back brace secured to begin the annual Valentines gathering. Hours later he came home with these lovely additions.
- Two LIVE lobters. Mr. Claw and Shell-y. Poor little things will make their maker tonight!
- A HUGE assortment of sushi.
- A box of chocolates.
- Chocolate covered fortune cookies.
- Two pounds of jumbo shrimp.
- A dozen long stem roses.
- A bottle of wine.
- Gifts for the kids.
I also will be getting the ring for a Valentines day/Birthday/Tax day/early anniversary present. It is a 2 carat T.W. diamond ring. I found it for 75% off!!!! I am super excited!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
One eye'd Willy
I have decided, if you ever want to see me irritable.... stick something in my eye. I guarded it all day because light caused the pain to intensify. I applied warm compresses to no avail. Finally I decided to call and get authorization to go to Urgent care. By the time the on-call Doc got around to calling me back, Urgent care was closed. He said that I needed to take my "eye emergency" into the emergency room. Something we all want to hear! "I want you to go sit in a room packed with contagious flu patients incapable of covering their mouths for hours!".
My friend Holly was nice enough to volunteer to be my E.R. escort. When we arrived there was the usual. Flu, strep and cold infested patients. To top it all off, there was a young gal who was either obviously strung out on the latest street drug or possibly schizophrenic. She had a towel wrapped around her arm and cradled it, as if it were her baby. She rocked back and forth dramatically crying, impatient, seeking attention. All the while, Holly and I tried to diagnose her suicide attempt. Possibly a wife to a deployment or war tragedy. Maybe a break up, or a death in the family. My final diagnosis was a pure case of PCP. ;)
We finally were called back into the room. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. Being a mother of 4, I don't have much of an opportunity to make it out into the town and laugh it out with a friend. Holly and I laughed over her extreme germaphobe quirks and compared drivers licenses. I told awful stories of my EMT school days (trying to sway her from medical assistant), and then we listened to people cry in the room next to us.... possibly due to my stories.
Finally the Doctor came in and asked the routine questions. She brought along some fluorescent orange dye and a black light. For a moment I thought she may had confused me with the PCP patient and had brought entertainment! She numbed my eye up, colored it with the narly dye and then examined it with the black light. I literally could see my glowing eye in the reflection of the lamp, which I found amusing.
She then decided to play around with the antique eye machine... the kind you put your chin in the metal strap and the Doctor proclaims, "1 or 2? This one or that?" Next on the list of torture devices was a bottle of saline solution which she had decided to spray into my swollen irritated eye full force, the sound of the stream was audible.
Diagnosis? Corneal Abrasion. Treatment: antibiotic eye drops and percocet. Time home: Midnight. A night out with the girls.... well girl... without children: PRICELESS!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
You know you're a housewife when-
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Snow Day!!!!
It amazes me the Arizona can go into a State of Emergency practically for a dusting of powder! I really only can remember a few times School was closed for me growing up. It literally had to be a few feet before they would make that choice.
So by 8 am the kids had eaten breakfast, played outside, came in for a cup of hot chocolate, and then back out side.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Just call us The Strep Family

Maybe this Penicillin has gotten to my brain, maybe it is the Strep- Either way I decided that Elijah needed a tin foil hat today! Actually it was the brunt of a joke a few friends and I have, but regardless!
I finally got into the Doctor this morning and was given a prescription to treat Strep. I have had this dang fever for a week. Last night though, I tuffed it up and grilled some steaks. Talk about a die hard griller!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The hardest thing I have ever done.
Friday, I spoke with my dad and he had said she did in fact make it through the night. All day I had contemplated the call that I never had made however it was planned, just put off. I knew that if I didn't call I would feel guilty the rest of my life. I always have been a talker, finding something to yack about, conversing until the cows come home. That is unless the subject is something serious and then I find myself shutting down, not knowing what to say. I sat in the garage for hours yesterday contemplating what to say, how to say it and knowing the conversation would be brief. I finally had the nerve and called John into the garage to discuss the plan. I did not want to talk to the person who answered the phone nor did I want to speak to them after the call.
I dialed the phone number realizing this would be the last time that my fingers would dial that sequence. John spoke to Auntie Glo, explaining the situation and then handing the phone to me. For a brief second I had forgotten the hours of deciding what to say. "I love you...." I finally pulled together the words. The moment that phrase left my lips a young voice came onto the phone. "Hello?" she said. I quickly handed the phone to John and he hung up. Because of that I was back to square one. I do not know if the phone was held to her ear. I will never know.
In the mean time John had made himself something to eat and left it out to help me make the call. When he came in he had caught Oie eating his food. He sent the dogs outside forgetting that Oie had found a way out earlier in the day and had run away. I ended up picking him up from a woman at the bowling alley. He once again got out and ran away. I sent Moses out to look for him and with in a half an hour got a phone call from someone who found him 2 streets down. I found a little humor in this because it sounds some what like a sad Country song.
My dad called last night as soon as I drifted to sleep. Aunt Bonnie was still unconscious.
In other news, the sickness of the house is still on a rampage. Hailey's Strep test came back positive yesterday. She is good though because she was put on Penicillin the day we went to the Doctor for precautionary reasons. However I still am sick. I have been running a fever of 102 since last Sunday. Finally they had an opening at the clinic for Sunday morning. Making it 1 week since I contracted this illness which is most likely strep. John says it sounds like Pneumonia though, which I just cannot do. Unfortunately the position of mother does not have sick leave.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A few Pictures of Mr. Elijah
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
When luck goes bad....
Lets back up though and start with Monday. Here is a little background- I haven't been receiving child support from the boys' father since October. That is $529 a month we are not getting. Nothing new though, since he is actually $18,000 behind from the first few years after our divorce. In January I spoke with my case worker through the State and she let me know that his drivers license was to be suspended that month for failure of payment. He also has a case open from another child he had brought into the world 5 years ago. None of this matters to him. He was quoted, "I quit because I am sick of paying child support." In today's economy who quits a job that brings home $15.00 an hour? Anyhow, Monday I received 3 letters from the State.
- 1st- A letter stating that a court date has been scheduled for March 18th for the drivers license suspension. They would like me to appear because my testimony would be helpful.
- 2nd- An order to modify child support brought forth by the other party.
- 3rd- A letter requesting a list of transactions that he may have paid me directly.
The second gripe on this list royally PISSES me off! He did this because he is not working (by choice). He wants to X out his payment. Well, the minimum he would have to pay is $100 per child, but it is not my fault that he wants to be a 32 year old child and live with and off of his mother. They want to know all sorts of my financial status. Luckily with this I have found a few ways (which I won't say here) that will make him wish he never had the State look into the support order.
Now, on to Tuesday. Everything was looking good. Went to file taxes which is like Christmas. Happy, happy day!
Now today rolls around. I have an appointment at the Doctor to take Hailey in. On my way, I was on a major street here and entered the turn lane to turn left at a green light. The guy next to me (had to be pushing 80) was straddling the line, part of his car was in my lane. I checked to make sure there wasn't any oncoming traffic and after it was cleared straddled my lane to miss taking out his fender. Wouldn't you know it.... I look into my mirror and see that an unmarked police car had been behind me and turned on his lights. I pulled off into the commissary parking lot and at this point am SHAKING. I HAVE never, I repeat NEVER have been pulled over in my LIFE!! I look for the registration/insurance which of course I can't find. He takes what feels like an hour to get out of the car and come up to my window.
"License, registration and insurance please." I hand him my license as I tremble. "Do you know what you did wrong?" he asks. "Yes, I was trying to turn left and that other car....." and before I can finish he says, "Straddling the lane." Yes, yes, YES!!!!! My voice starts to give out as I tell him that I have never been pulled over before. I decide this is not the right time to cry. I tell him this is my husbands car and I cannot find my reg/ins. He goes back to his car while I continue to look. Thank you Lord, he gave me a warning but still..... it ruins my clean record.
Next on to Hailey. The Doctor looked in her throat and thinks it is Strep. She took a culture and put her on antibiotics just in case. If she is + I have to go in to be tested because of my heart defect. Hopefully she will begin to feel better!
On to my final rant (lets hope). I just got a phone call from H&R Block. The IRS denied our return because Elijah's social does not match his date of birth. WTH?!?! I call S.S. and their info is correct. She said that sometimes the IRS makes the mistake because they share systems w/ S.S. . I dunno what the issue is. John is on the phone with the IRS as we speak. He just said that the people at IRS said that their info is correct also. Do I have to bang my head on a wall yet?
I am so fed up with everything right now. It seems like anything that can go wrong, does. I could really go for a beer, but lately don't even like the taste of that. I had 1/2 of a beer during the Super Bowl and couldn't even finish it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
My review/rant of the Super Bowl
Ya know, I am really offended by the unnecessary sexual innuendo in the Super Bowl commercials last night! Come on! Kids are watching!!! Remember the big upheaval about Janet Jackson exposing her breast? I think the Dorritos commercial went WAY TOO far!
We as a family were having a nice time watching the game. I made hors d'oeuvres (yes, that is spelled right... I googled it!! lol) for the kids and we all had a nice little family party. Then came Dorritos and showing the girl in her lingerie. Moses became uncomfortable and covered his face in the couch pretending he didn't see it. I have never been one to boycott stuff but I am seriously considering it this time! Or at least writing a letter!
What are your thoughts? I can understand and expect it from GoDaddy so am prepared to change the channel, but chips???? COME ON!! Even John (who likes naked women ;) ) was mad! lol
I **think ** the shower one was for GoDaddy but not sure. What ever happened to the good 'ol commercials with frogs and funny but kid friendly stuff? If I wanted my kids to see the latest underwear trend we would watch the Victoria Secret Bowl, thank-you-very-much!
Then came the half time show with Bruce Springstein. I didn't see the crotch shot because I had stepped into the kitchen, but Moses saw it! He came running in and says, "Mom! That guy slid into the camera!!"
Have you noticed that after the breast debacle all of the half time shows have been boring old people (I apologize in advance to anyone older then me :) )? They used to mix it up with a handful of celebrities to suit everyone's taste. John was saying that they will now have to nix the old performers after this penile performance! Ha!
I also was appalled by the Cardinals. That play where they had a touch down so close they could taste it and then the Steelers took it out from under their grip really made me sick! I am not one who knows an ounce in regards to football but I knew well enough to see what a terrible play that was. I was rooting for AZ, heck... I live here!
Maybe I am getting old and not realizing it. Maybe it is this stupid cold that has taken me under its wing. Who knows-
P.S. I have a fever of 101 which is unusual for me! This sure is a nasty illness.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Mr. Virus man, please go away!
Today is the National holiday of junk food consumption.... The famous Super Bowl! I am not keen to watching football, or any sport for that matter. I do enjoy the food and the commercials though. This year we won't be hosting a party which disappoints me. Last year we had a large one with lots of food! In fact, I didn't watch much of the game because of the position I held as hostess. I did record it onto the DVR however never got back around to watching it. Our menu this year is as follows-
Chips and dip
Little Smokies
tortilla swirl sandwich thingies (not sure of the name)
Chicken Wings
We were invited over to the neighbors but their "parenting style" is not like ours and don't want to introduce the kids to "Bar language 101". There have been times that I have been tempted to call the police on these people! I have been out front a few times and have heard them yell at the 3 year old, "Get you own F-ing water!!! Lay the F down!!!" It really takes a whole lot to shock me, but that has been over the top! Different strokes for different folks like they say! The day my bra became a beehive is the day an investigator came over to conduct a background check on that neighbor. It turns out he is applying to become an agent with the border patrol. Interesting, I wonder if he knows his language of choice in Spanish?