Well, we are still waiting. We are hoping that we will be out with in the month, so we can get a start on this scary new adventure. It really stinks to sit back and stress about your future; Will you be homeless? Will you be financially ruined? Will you be A-ok? I just want it over with. We are hoping and praying that they find his disability 100% combat related, giving us both a check from the Army, as well as the VA. So, if you could spare a prayer, that would be wonderful!
John has an appointment at the Barrows Neurological Institute, in Phoenix. They will be looking into the possibility of having a pain pump, installed internally. They also will probably look into the filler that leaked out, and hardened. We found out that the filler is shearing off the nerves in his spine, leaving him a 70% of becoming paralyzed. That is one of the main reasons they need him in the wheel chair, because it is reducing the damage.
In other news, Elijah turned 2 on the 12th of June! He is becoming quit ornery in his old age! He loves to sing, and walks around the house all day singing. His favorite saying is- "Sit you dog! I'm not Alpha, he is! Ohhhhhh! Beep beep!" Apparently that is on the movie "Up!", and he picked it up there. He also sings, "Baby are you down" and "This is America!"
Hailey is with her dad until the move, which I really hope is soon! It will be nearly 3 months possibly! The boys are doing well also. They are all so excited to be back in Reno, and frankly, so am I!