I really wish that I was able to blog at Disney but unfortunately didn't bring my computer so I will tell the tale as best as I can!
Wednesday morning we began our 8 hour journey to Anaheim. Towards the end Andrew came down with the stomach flu which caused us to stop every half an hour and head to the closest bathroom. After surviving that we arrived and went to Medieval Times. While in line waiting to enter the King and his followers came to entertain us, and during his announcements he called Hailey a Princess which sent her over the moon! We then had the kids knighted which they all enjoyed. During the dinner show Hailey was thrown a flower by our Knight which again made her believe she was a true Princess. Andrew also had a blast watching them fight, Go figure. lol
Thursday was our first day to Disneyland. The first ride we went on was Pirates of the Caribbean which was a poor decision! :p I never really realized what a dramatic daughter I have until then. That was the most over dramatic event that I have EVER experienced! She started to scream and NEVER stopped throughout the whole ride! When we got off, we were walking out of the building and she proceeded to throw up all over the ground. She then says, "I was shot and it is still red!" Referring to the part where the pirates are shooting back and forth over the boat. Later her fish tale became bigger saying she was shot twice and it was still red. Then we went on "It's a Small World" and while on the boat we noticed Hailey was going to throw up. We tried to convince her to do it over the boat but it didn't work. Instead it was all over her lap and shirt. We ended up leaving early that day. Oh! I did take Moses on Space Mountain which was SO much fun and he LOVED it! While on Space Mountain, Hailey had her leg pinned by Johns electric wheel chair! DL's nurse and security had to come. She ended up being okay, but of course it added to the drama.
Day 2- Things started off well and Hailey was over her bug. We got into the park and did a little shopping. John's Mom called and informed him that his Grandfather passed away which made for a sad day. We went on the on the new Submarine ride which was lots of fun. The boys did mainly all of the riding because Hailey was scared after being shot by the pirate! John and I also went to the Blue Bayou for my early Birthday dinner. It was excellent food and we had a great time entertaining the boats!
Day 3- Through out the night I was woken up with excruciating pain in my eye. It felt as if someone was crushing my eyeball. It hurt so bad that I thought I may be blind if I opened it. We ended up sending the kids to Disneyland w/ my mom and John and I went to the E.R. . It turned out I had an infected corneal abrasion. We didn't get to Disneyland until about noon that day and when we did it was PACKED! We met up with my friend Julie and Kristi and their babies. Julies husband also came and we all had a fun time. I think I only rode 3 rides that day because of the crowd. We also went to Downtown Disney and had dinner at some Mexican place which was pretty good!
John and I never did make it to the Disney California portion which was a bummer. I wanted to go on Soarin' California but we ran out of time. Next trip there I think we will plan a 5 day trip to DL so we have more time. I will add more picture when I can go through the 1000.... yes, 1000.... that we have!
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