Sunday, March 7, 2010

Life's been busy

Wow, it's been a long time. I don't even remember where I left off! John is still not able to work. In October they decided to med-board him, thinking he would be retired by February/March. Like usual, it is a hurry up and wait situation. They sent him to El Paso to see a military spinal surgeon, who revealed that his current problems were not spasms, but actually his spinal column being pinched because of the previous surgery. He now also has 2 more herniated discs. We are waiting on word to go back and confirm if there will be another surgery.

In other news- I turn 30 in just about 2 weeks! I can actually say that I am excited! Michelle from North Carolina will be flying down, as well as Julie and Bob driving up! I will be having an 80's themed party, costumes and all. This just may be the best birthday ever! Actually, I think it will be!

The kids are good. Elijah is almost 21 months old. He is learning a new phrase everyday. One of my favorites is when he asks, "You okay? You alright?", another is "Yeeee HAW!" He still gets up twice a night to eat, which is getting old.

Nothing really interesting to report. I am sure there have some crazy things, but it's too early on a Sunday morning to remember!


  1. Good to see you post again! I'm so jealous of you girls, you're going to have so much fun on your birthday! Oh and I think a video or sound recording of the YEEHAW would be much appreciated ;)

  2. Where did you get that monkey background on your blog? It is ADORABLE!!!
