Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You know you're a housewife when-

Last night I made a roast for dinner accompanied by mashed potatoes and gravy. As it was finishing I was on the phone with a friend of mine, Julie, discussing baby food textures. I know... exciting. Anyhow, I notice that it is time to serve dinner and tell Julie, "Okay, I have to go and cut my roast now." Julie screams, "WHAT?!?!?" I say it again wondering why that was such an alarming comment. Julie then laughs, and says, " I thought you said you were going to go cut your wrists now!!!!" Haha!!! Obviously my voice isn't back 100%!


  1. would this be the same Julie that I'm thinking of?! That's hilarious!!!

  2. Yep, our favorite Julie! It was hilarious!!

  3. I wish you could have seen the look on my face when I first heard you say it - I was horrified and probably turned white as a sheet too. LOL What a relief you were actually announcing the cutting of the ROAST. LOL :)
